PIP Camera Apk Mod for Android Update (Photo Editor Pro)
Free Download PIP Camera Apk Mod for Android Update (Photo Editor Pro) : Selamat sore kawan. Pada sore ini saya akan membagikan aplikasi android terbaru. Aplikasi ini bernama PIP Camera. Aplikasi ini sangat cocok bagi kawan sekalian yang suka edit foto selfie maupun groupie. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan beberapa frame kreatif. Cara untuk mengedit pun sangat mudah. Ingin foto kawan terlihat lebih cantik. Download aja aplikasinya disini. Gratis gan . . .
Features :
- Import photos from gallery or take from camera. You can choose existing photos in gallery by using the default gallery, or just capture in Camera mode. You can also use the default camera, or any of the camera apps, then import.
- Numbers photo in photo frames with different shape and style to make your photos in glass, hand, camera, board…Just apply the theme that you like.
- The photo in photo blur automatically, and the filters for background and foreground in Classic mode both can be changed.
- More than 200 collage frames. The background also blur automatically. Collage your photos with awesome magazine layouts and frames to be the popular guy on the magazine cover.
- More than 20 photo filters for decorating your photos.
- Our Frame, Collage Library will be constantly updated, come back often to download!
- Easily share the photo on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to wow your friends and share this wonderful photo editor app.
Screenshot :

What's New :
- Added camera in PIP effects.
- Added camera in Pro edit. Take a photo then edit it immediately.
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