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Writing an e-mail about Friends Hobbies

Ini adalah tugas English saya tentang writing an e-mail about friends hobbies

Hello ms.Suzanti
How are you?

Our English teacher has just asked us to fill a survey about our friends  leisure time activities.Now I would like to tell you about Jackson favourite activities.
Jackson have 5 days classes in a week, he attend a diploma course on Informatics Engineering well and all of those activities make his days very busy every day. However, he maintain some leisure activities and in his computer (surfing the web). After he went home from campus while working in his computer and smartphone he often listen to the music. Besides working in computer, Jackson also do some sport activities like swimming.
Jackson live in a home but he occasionally watch television, because he like watching movie. Jackson was an visitor person he loves traveling, he loves to visit musem.

Jackson like individual sport, because he think that individual sport do need other people and not troubling others. He also said that because he can feel calm and confident such as swimming.


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